Hypospadias is a congenital (present at birth) problem affecting a boy’s penis. It is a combination of three separate problems: the hole through which urine passes (meatus) is not at the tip of the penis, the foreskin is gathered at the back of the penis with none at the front and the penis may be bent when stiff. The position of the meatus varies; in some boys, the hole is only a small distance away from the tip of the penis, whereas in others, it is at the base of the penis, in the scrotum or behind the scrotum.
How is hypospadias diagnosed?
Hypospadias is usually diagnosed by clinical evaluation . The appearance of the penis is not normal. The stream of urine is poor and coming from the underside of the penis and not from the tip of it.
On examination of penis, the undersurface of penis is not developed. The meatus is situated proximally and narrow. The muscle coverings and skin is deficient. The penile shaft is bent downwards, a condition called as Chordee.
Circumcision should be avoided in these children,as these local skin is mobilized to correct the defect during surgery.